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Woodworm Treatment Spray 500ml


Barrettine’s Woodworm Treatment is a traditional deep penetrating low odour oil/spirit based woodworm killer. It prevents & exterminates woodworm and wood boring insects such as the woodworm beetle and furniture beetle from treated timber. Ideal for treating furniture, flooring, structural timbers etc. Avoid contact with roofing felts . Kills all common woodworm insects including Common woodworm Furniture Beetle, House Longhorn Beetle, Powder Post Beetle and wood boring Weevils. Kills woodworm larvae and eggs when in direct contact.

  • For the prevention & eradication of woodworm, wood boring beetles & insects, Larvae and eggs
  • For internal & external timber structures
  • Low Odour Formulation
  • Contains Permethrin.
  • Protects uncontaminated timber against wood boring insect attack.
  • Suitable for use on all types of timber, rough, sawn or smooth. (Internal & external)
  • Treated timbers can be polished, stained, varnished or painted when dry.
  • Approved under COPR/BPR • Harmless to plants and pets when dry.
  • Deep penetrating low odour solvent based, ready to use formulation.
  • Kills all common insects including Common Furniture Beetle, House Longhorn Beetle, Powder Post Beetle and wood boring Weevils.
  • Kills larvae and eggs when in direct contact


Item Code: D3618
Availability: In Stock
£8.50/Each (inc. VAT)

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